Wishing you a Wonderful Holiday Season

Greetings Friends,

By the time you receive this AYM Museum Newsletter you will have heard many Christmas songs, (the music is so beautiful and it is one of our favorite times of the year), and many will be shared about the birth of Jesus. As it says in Matthew 1:21 “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.” This is also a time when we think of others and enjoy sharing and being together with loved ones and friends. Since last year at this time your circle of family and friends may have changed as some maybe waiting in the grave for our Special Jesus who, was a baby many years ago, will one day soon return in all His glory just as He went to heaven. That’s why each year brings us one year closer to His return.

We want to take this opportunity to thank each one who responded with donations and support for the AYM Museum. If you would like to give a donation to the AYMM, it can be done online at: aymmuseum.org and click on the donate button or by sending your donation to: AYM Museum, P.O. Box 562, Battle Creek, MI 49016.

In a few days 2022 will end. No matter what happened during this past year we will be moving into a new (2023) year when we can make new resolutions and build a closer relationship with the once baby Jesus who grew up and became our Saviour. He invites us to become like Him and with His help we can. We pray this coming year will be a great and wonderful year for you.

God bless,

Terry & Maxine Dodge

AYM Museum