Special Traveling Report by Terry Dodge
Blessings to each of you as we come to the end of another year. The Lord has been so good to us in spite of the challenges we have had to endure. The last two and a half years have been a challenge (working around the COVID-19) for the unions to hold their camporees. All the unions in the North American Division have had to postpone at least one year, and some had to postpone for two years. It is always a disappointment when schedules change. We are happy a number of union camporees were held this year.
Below is a report on the places the Adventist Youth Ministries Museum traveling displays were presented:
June 10 – 18, 2022, we were given a 10’ x 20’ booth at the Michigan Conference Camp Meeting held at Great Lakes Adventist Academy to display items dealing with youth/Pathfinder ministry. Included with these displays was a number of pictures showing history of the Grand Ledge Michigan Camp Meeting. There was not only a real interest in AYMM history but of the well-known Grand Ledge Camp Meeting where Camp Doss was held for many years. A lot of interest and memories were generated by the pictures and displays from those who visited the booth. (Include Pictures 1-3587 & 2-3596 & 3-3592)
August – the North American Division held a Master Guide convention celebrating 100 years of this great ministries in Estes Park, Colorado, August 3 – 6, 2022. Dixie & Arnold Plata were able to share a small traveling display on the history of Master Comrade/Master Guide and the things that pertain to this great ministry. (Include 3 pictures) 3852, MG Class Pin, MG Scarf MG) A special timeline banner was prepared by the NAD for this event, as seen in the picture. (Include timeline picture) 3853, MG Conv. Logo
It is good to see more of the union camporees teaching honors during the days of the camporee. If not the complete honor, then some of the requirements so the Pathfinders can go back home and with their club or on their own they are able to finish it. One will also see more science presentations being shared as special nuggets during the main meetings. It is also great to see the special nature nuggets stories.
August – the Columbia Union Pathfinder Camporee was held August 10 – 13, 2022, at the Boy Scout Camp in Beckley, West Virginia. Because of the location they were not able to have a place for the AYM Museum display this year. We missed being at the Columbia Union camporee this year to share with their wonderful Pathfinders and leaders. It is always a joy to meet the Pathfinder family at their union camporee.
September – the Lake Union Pathfinder Camporee was held September 14 – 17, 2022, at the Berrien Spring Youth Fair grounds with the theme – “Fearless”. A large building was provided where we were able to share a large AYM Museum traveling display. (Insert Pictures) 3872, 3839, 3835 We always look forward to having the Plata’s (since the mid 1990’s) sharing the
AYMM traveling displays. The last couple of camporees, due to the larger area it takes both of our vehicles (pickups) to transport the larger number of traveling cases that are put on display.
This year we were happy to welcome both Lyle & Ann Petry and Ted & Betsy Burgdorff to the Lake Union Pathfinder Camporee AYM Museum traveling display/layout. The larger the space the more individuals it takes to oversee the operation and help tell the history stories to those who come to visit. It is also an opportunity for others to see/learn who a traveling museum is set up in a very short time which will allow many individuals to visit all the displays.
The Bible Sanctuary was on display at the Lake Union Pathfinder Camporee showing the various parts of the service including the blowing of the ram’s horn. (Insert Pictures) 4099
Black Smithing was one of the honors taught at two or three of the union camporees. What an experience for the Pathfinders to learn those unique skills of how things were done many years ago.
September – the North Pacific Union Pathfinder Camporee was held September 22 – 24, 2022, just the week following the Lake Union Camporee, therefore the Plata’s had to make a fast journey to Kalispell, Montana where the camporee was to be held on the Flathead Fair grounds with the theme – “Let’s Go Explore, Serve & Share”. (Insert Picture) 5672, 5671, 5670
October – the Pacific Union Pathfinder Camporee was held October 5 – 9, 2022, with the theme of “Identity in Jesus” held at the Lake Skinner County Park, Winchester, California. Every camporee setup can be different because of the location we are given. Sometimes it maybe in a building or it in a tent (which is not real good due to the weather. Rain and humidity as well as high heat can be very hard on the artifacts that are being displayed.) This time they had to set up the AYM Museum displays in a tent as you can tell from the pictures. (Insert Pictures) 5674, 5675, 5676 We always make the best of whatever the location so we can provide the history displays for the Pathfinders and staff who come to visit them.
October – the Southern Union Pathfinder Camporee was held October 12-15, 2022, at Camp Kulaqua, in High Springs, Florida with the theme – “No Limits”. The displays were set up in part of the cafeteria with air-conditioning as Florida is a lot hotter part of the country. (Insert Pictures) 4135, 4152 The Desmond Doss’s display was appreciated since he lived in the Tennessee area and was well known in that part of the country. Sharing the youth history timeline was especially of interest to many who were learning it for the first time. To realize is 1879 two boys: Luther Warren – 14 yrs. and Harry Fenner – 17 yrs. started the Young People’s Society in Hazelton, Michigan. Then in 1907 the General Conference started a youth department. Later that year a convention was held at Mount Vernon, Ohio and the name was selected, “The Young People’s Missionary Volunteer” It all started with the convention at Mount Vernon, Ohio when the name was chosen
One of the highlights of the camporee was the Messiah’s Mansion Tabernacle. No matter where the Messiah’s Mansion Tabernacle goes, it has generated interest from schools,
churches, families, and local history buffs. It is an unforgettable learning opportunity! What a blessing it was for the Pathfinders in the Southern Union to see the Lord’s leading in the Bible times through the tabernacle and what it means to us today.
Ken Roger’s, Southern Union Youth Director was missed, (Insert Picture of Ken Rogers) due to his health he had resigned shortly before the camporee. Sabbath evening a special tribute was given in his honor, even though he couldn’t attend. Ken was one who loved youth/Pathfinders and had spent his life ministering to them. What a blessing he was to the youth of the Southern Union. Following the special tribute to Ken, Greg & Kim Taylor (Insert Pictures of Greg & Kim) were presented as the new directors for the Southern Union Youth Department.
Pathfinder Ministry is one that changes lives of boys and girls into young men and women while preparing them for service with our Lord and Saviour Jesus. Teaching them skills they need while living, not only on this earth but prepares them to spend eternity with Jesus.
The next large camporee will be held in Gillett, Wyoming, August 6 – 10, 2024. This will be a new location for the International Pathfinder Camporee for the North American Division. We look forward to seeing you and your Pathfinders at the camporee. Be sure to stop by the AYM Museum that some call the Pathfinder Museum.
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