We are in the initial stages of raising money for the Adventist Youth Ministries Museum. The Adventist Youth Ministries Museum is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax exempt.
You can mail donation checks to:
Adventist Youth Ministries Museum
PO Box 562
Battle Creek, MI 49016
Donate Online
Make a one-time donation using your credit/debit card. We use Stripe, a secure payment process, to process your credit/debit card. Complete the form below and click “Make your Donation Now”. Once completed you’ll receive an email receipt.
"*" indicates required fields
The Partner of the Month is an easy way for you to make regular, monthly donations using your credit/debit card. Fill out the form below and fill in the amount you would like to give and click “Become a Partner Now”. Once completed you’ll receive an email receipt. Future donations will be made automatically.
"*" indicates required fields