Here is a brief introduction to a world-wide “Legacy Movement” sponsored by our ministry. Adventist youth ministry pioneers have left “footprints” in history for us to follow. They have attempted the new, the bold, the committed…to pioneer a youth movement that has brought strength and blessings to our church for over 150 years. Youth, Pathfinders, and their leaders around the world can create their own legacies for God today. Here is what is coming…

Legacy Clubs

A Legacy Pathfinder Club is any Pathfinder club anywhere that signs up to be a Legacy Club. Here are some of the ways a Pathfinder Club joins the Legacy Movement…

  • They commit to a financial support of the YPDLC ministry
  • They intentionally help Pathfinders to create a club legacy in their community
  • They present special worship services and community outreach activities – we will provide all the information through easy internet downloads.
  • A variety of awards and club designations will be provided
  • Complete sign-up information is coming

Legacy Leaders

A Legacy Leader is any teen member of an organized Pathfinder club in the TLT program. A series of internet leadership lessons will be made available. Each lesson will feature a pioneer in Adventist Youth Ministry with a key leadership trait to learn about. When the lessons are completed, a Leader’s Award Packet will be available – awards for the new leader!

Pathfinder Alumni Association

The PATHA organization is open to any past or present Pathfinder leader at any level of church organization…anywhere in the world! Membership is free with an internet sign-up process. PATHA benefits will include a special members page with lots of features, newsletters, and fellowship events.

For Senior Youth too…there will be advanced Legacy Leader lessons, and local-church youth groups activities.

Imagine it! The spirit of our Adventist Youth Ministry pioneers encircling the globe…as youth and Pathfinders today build legacies for God in every nation, people group, and tongue. How exciting is that!

Sign up for our newsletter and keep updated as these ministries are prepared. Get ready this fall to join in!